India. Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy Chamber for Clinical, Wellness and Spa centers.

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India. Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy Chamber
for  Clinical, Wellness  and  Spa  centers.

The body survives without food for three weeks, without water for three days, 
but without oxygen for only three minutes. Our body needs energy. 

90% of our body’s energy comes from oxygen, only 10% from food and water.
 Oxygen feeds the body, supports the immune system,  destroys toxic substances,  
and promotes new cell growth. 

Today the atmosphere contains only 21% oxygen. 
Only a few  hundred years ago, oxygen was almost 35%.
 Oxygen is at the very center of every biochemical process in our bodies. 

Oxygen is the most important nutrient and drug on earth.
 Oxygen is a key component of optimal physical and mental health. 
Adequate oxygen levels in your body will keep you in balance.

 Many of today’s illnesses as well as premature aging are caused by lack of oxygen.
Oxygen therapy today is not only used for treatment of serious medical conditions, but is widely popular and 
available as a natural therapy to cope with the effects of 
Anti-aging,stress, illness , over exertion, toxic substances , Migraine, 
cluster head aches,  Candida and Fungal infections, Hypoxic birth disorders,  etc. 
It also  Increases energy and endurance,
Improves concentration,  Relieves aching muscles and joints,
Immune System Building, Elective Plastic Surgery - recovery
Decreases injury recovery time etc.

Our Hyperbaric  Chambers are:
* Profitable to your center  
*  Affordable  to your patients

We are driven by our passionate belief that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will be within the reach of every one that needs the benefit of the oxygen revolution can render in India “ - Bird J.K

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chambers
for Wellness & Spa therapies.
Cell:9769 006 123 Tel:91-22-65 655 123


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